‘The heart of the countryside, distinctive and picturesque’
Daubigny's Garden
Auvers is really beautiful. It’s the heart of the countryside, distinctive and picturesque.
Letter to Theo van Gogh and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, Tuesday, 20 May 1890.
Van Gogh made this square painting in the garden of the artist Daubigny’s widow. This was in Auvers-sur-Oise (northern France), where he had moved in May 1890. It was also a popular place among artists. Charles-François Daubigny, a landscape painter who Van Gogh deeply admired, had worked there for many years.
In Auvers, Van Gogh drew and painted with great intensity. On average, he produced almost one painting a day. In the end, Van Gogh only spent ten weeks in Auvers. In July 1890 he committed suicide.

Daubigny’s Garden, Auvers sketchbook, 1890
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)

Old postcard with a view of the artists’ colony Auvers-sur-Oise. Daubigny’s house is on the left.

Charles-François Daubigny 1817-1878
October, 1850-75
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam